Where to Put Massage Chair in House?

Where to Put Massage Chair in House?

Owning your own massage chair gives you the luxury of enjoying massage therapy whenever you need it. You can relieve tension and stress after a tough day at work, recover faster from workouts and physical activities, and boost your circulation, all from home! 

But, having your own massage chair also brings a big decision: Where to put massage chair in house. In this guide, we’ll explore factors to consider and offer practical tips on where to put a massage chair in your house, helping you make a decision that’s best for you. 

One of the best things about the premium massage chairs you’ll find here at Forward Furniture is that they’re extremely versatile. This means you can place our high-quality massage chairs anywhere in your home and they’ll look great - our sleek designs make sure of that! 

Why Location Matters

First of all, why is deciding where to put massage chairs so important? Because you really need your chair to be accessible. Placing it in a convenient spot ensures you can enjoy the benefits of massage therapy regularly. 

On the other hand, a chair that's tucked away or hard to reach might end up being neglected, reducing the potential physical and mental health benefits it offers you. Carefully considering where to put massage chairs can have a big impact on how effective they are. 

The location of your chair also affects your massage experience. A quiet, peaceful area free from distractions is ideal for unwinding and fully enjoying your massage sessions. Think about areas with low noise levels and soft lighting to create a calming atmosphere.

And finally, a well-placed massage chair can complement your home's interior design. By integrating it with your existing furniture and decor, you can maintain a cohesive living space. Choose a location that allows the chair to blend in seamlessly rather than stand out awkwardly.

Where to Put Massage Chair in House

Choosing where to put massage chairs involves balancing convenience, comfort, and aesthetics. Each home is unique, but there are some general guidelines you can follow to find the perfect location for your chair. Here’s what you need to know. 

Considering Traffic and Privacy

Avoid placing your massage chair in high-traffic areas where it might become an obstacle or be subjected to frequent disturbances. Busy hallways or entryways are typically not ideal - it’s hard to enjoy a massage if you can’t find some peace and quiet!

Instead, opt for a quiet corner of your living room or bedroom where you can relax without interruptions. If privacy matters to you, think about placing your chair in a more secluded area like a home office, spare bedroom, or a quiet corner you’ve set aside in your home for relaxing.

Space Requirements and Layout

Massage chairs can be quite large and need enough space to function correctly. Make sure there’s enough room for the chair to recline fully without hitting walls or other furniture. This usually means leaving a few feet of clearance behind and in front of the chair.

Leave enough space around the chair so you can easily get in and out of it. Avoid cramped spots that make using the chair cumbersome, and think about how the chair fits with the overall layout of the room. A corner spot or along a wall can often be a good fit.

Proximity to Power Sources and Setup Needs

Since massage chairs require power, their placement needs to consider access to electrical outlets. Choose a location near an electrical outlet to avoid the need for extension cords, which can create tripping hazards and look messy in your room.

Make sure that power cords are neatly arranged and not creating a hazard. You might need to secure cords along baseboards or use cable organizers. Also, place the chair where maintenance and cleaning are easy to navigate. 

Our Recommendations on Massage Chair Placement

So, where should you put your massage chair? We have a few ideas, but it really depends on the layout of your home and where you think the most practical spot is. A corner in the living room is a good choice, so that you can enjoy a massage while watching TV or listening to music.

If you prefer a more private setting, your bedroom can be a serene spot for your massage chair. Place it near a window with a view or in a cozy corner for a relaxing retreat. Another option is a home office if you have one, which offers a nice break during work hours!

More Tips on Making the Most of Your At-Home Massage Chair

Maximizing the benefits of your at-home massage chair involves more than just placing it in the right spot. Here’s how to use massage chair to unlock all its potential health benefits. 

Choosing the Right Massage Chair at Forward Furniture

If you’re wondering where to buy a massage chair, you’ll be delighted to hear that you can find the best massage chairs in Canada right here at Forward Furniture! Our modern, high-quality chairs have a range of amazing and advanced features to level up your massage therapy.

With sleek, contemporary designs, our massage chairs will look amazing wherever you choose to put them in your home. We have the best massage chair prices, along with financing, fast and free shipping, and a 30-day return policy for your peace of mind. 

If you’re not sure how to choose a massage chair, reach out to our team or come and visit us at one of our locations. We’ll help you select a chair that has all the features you’re looking for. We offer: 

Our team can make sure you end up with the perfect massage chair, and provide you with even more tips for using your chair, including how often to use a massage chair and how long to sit in a massage chair for each session. 

Creating a Relaxing Atmosphere

The environment around your massage chair plays a crucial role in keeping you relaxed. Use soft, ambient lighting to create a calming atmosphere. Dim the lights or use a lamp with a warm glow to set the mood.

If aromatherapy is your thing, you can incorporate essential oils or scented candles to engage your sense of smell and further promote relaxation. Lavender, chamomile, and eucalyptus are popular choices for their soothing effects.

Play gentle background music, nature sounds, or white noise to drown out any distractions - this creates a really relaxing, tranquil, almost meditative environment. You might even like to use a sound machine or a playlist of calming tracks.

Coming Up With a Routine for Frequency and Duration

To see the best results from your massage chair, it’s important to stay consistent. Try to use your chair regularly - daily sessions or several massages a week can help reduce stress and muscle tension, boost your circulation, and more. 

You’ll also need to establish the massage duration that works for you. 15-30 minutes per session is common, but you can adjust based on your preferences and goals. If you’re using a massage chair during pregnancy or have a medical condition, talk to your doctor about how to safely use a massage chair.

Pre and Post Massage Chair Protocols

To make the most out of your massage, make sure you’re hydrated before you start - it helps your muscles relax and aids in the removal of toxins from your tissues and organs. Wear comfortable clothes, and do some light stretching if you like. 

After each massage, drink more water to help flush out toxins, allow yourself some quiet rest to soak up the benefits, and do some more stretching to relieve any residual tension, especially if you have specific injuries or issues you’re using massage therapy for. 

Closing Thoughts on Where to Put Massage Chair in House

Moving a massage chair isn’t easy, so it’s important to get your chair set up right the first time! When deciding where to put massage chairs, think about where you’ll use your chair frequently, and where you can relax without too much noise or traffic around you. 

Here at Forward Furniture, we have the best selection of premium massage chairs with state-of-the-art features. Plus, with sleek, modern designs, our massage chairs look great in your home, wherever they end up!

Visit our Kelowna furniture store or shop online at Forward Furniture to find a massage chair that erases your aches and pains, blows your stress away, and works with your home’s aesthetic! 

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